Via Salesforce
If the user already has a play in the Playground, its details and metadata can be updated as needed.
Updating Metadata
Navigate to the play that the user wihses to update. On the Play details screen, hover on More Actions. From the dropdown, select the Edit Metadata option.
From the Autorize dropdown, select the instance as needed.
Authorise Salesforce
Enter your Salesforce credentials:
Allow the application to get access to your details and the Salesforce system.
Component(s) Selection
The Playground application will fetch the available Salesforce metadata and display for selection. Select the type of components or metadata you want to include in your asset.
From the selected metadata types, pick the components that should be part of the asset. The list can be collapsed to access all the records.
Updating Details
The user might need to update the details or tags for the already updated play. This can be done by following Updating Play's Details